新潟県長岡市出身の財界人である5代目山口萬吉の私邸として1927年に建築された国の登録有形文化財「kudan house(九段ハウス)」(旧山口萬吉邸)にて行われるCURATION⇄FAIRに参加します。

I will participate in the CURATION⇄FAIR at the “kudan house,” a registered tangible cultural property built in 1927 as the private residence of Mankichi Yamaguchi V, a businessman from Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.


美しさ、あいまいさ、時と場合に依る / The Beautiful, the Ambiguous, and Itself

2025年2月1日(土) - 2月16日(日)
10:00 – 19:00(最終入場 18:30)

kudan house(東京都千代田区九段北1-15-9)


Dates: February 1 (Sat) - February 16 (Sun), 2025
Hours: 10:00 - 19:00 (last admission 18:30)
A preview for the press and other interested parties will be held on Friday, January 31.

kudan house (1-15-9 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

Curator: Mizuki Endo
Sound Composition: Shuta Hasunuma
Venue Design: Teppei Satsuki

Art Fair

Art Kudan 2025

2025年2月22日(土) - 2月24日(月・祝)
10:00 – 18:00(最終入場 17:30)

kudan house(東京都千代田区九段北1-15-9)

Booth:MA2 gallery  https://www.ma2gallery.com/

[Ticket] Buy a ticket 


「本当に価値のある美術品をコレクションしたい」「どのように作品を選んだら良いかわからない」というお客様の声に寄り添い、展覧会で作品の社会的意義を読み解き、トークプログラムなど意見交換と交流の場を創出し、アートフェアで深い理解を持って作品をコレクショ& #12531;する機会を提供します。



CURATION ⇄ FAIR is a new art initiative that features a two-part format: an exhibition curated by cutting-edge curators and an art fair with a carefully selected group of galleries and art dealers. This innovative program aims to convey the value of artworks from various perspectives. It addresses the common concern of visitors who may feel uncertain about how to choose art, providing insights into the social significance of the works through the exhibition, while creating opportunities for dialogue through programs such as talk sessions. It offers visitors the chance to collect works with a deeper understanding at the art fair. Through these efforts, the initiative seeks to promote Japan’s long-standing artistic heritage and high-quality cultural assets, both domestically and internationally, ensuring they are passed on to future generations.

(by About, website)