小瀬村真美 Mami Kosemura Solo Exhibition
- 絵画の輪郭/Outline of a Painting -
2021年 9月10日(金)~10月8日(金)
13:00-18:00 *月・火・水は閉場
〒840-0027 佐賀県佐賀市本庄町本庄1272-3
e-mail: info@kenakian.jp
tel: 0952-97-5044
この度、kenakian(佐賀県佐賀市)において、東京、ニューヨーク以外では初めてとなります個展「Classic - 絵画の輪郭/Outline of a Painting -」を開催いたします。私は既存の絵画の演出方法や構造を引用し、カメラを使用した絵画の模写とも言えるような写真作品、映像作品を制作しています。展示される全ての作品は一見絵画のように見えますが、実際には全て実物を撮影しながら制作されています。初期の代表的な古典絵画を基にした映像作品から近年の図鑑などの生活とともにある絵を基にした写真作品まで、これまでの「絵画」の謎をめぐるなかで結晶のように作品化した作品群を「絵画の輪郭」として皆様のお目にかけたいと思っています。
Mami Kosemura Solo Exhibition
Classic - Outline of a Painting
Friday, September 10 - Friday, October 8
Opening Hours : 1 pm - 6 pm, Thursday to Sunday (Closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
1272-3, Honjo-machi Honjo, Saga, 840-0027, JAPAN
e-mail: info@kenakian.jp
tel: +80-952-97-5044
I am pleased to announce my first solo exhibition outside of Tokyo and New York, Classic - Outline of a Painting - at Kenakian, Saga City, Saga Prefecture in Japan.
I make photographs and videos that could be described as camera-based replications of paintings, referring to the staging and structure of existing paintings. All the pieces in the exhibition look like paintings at first glance, but in reality, they were all created while photographing the actual objects. The pieces presented to you as "Outline of a Painting" have crystallized in my search for the mystery of "painting”, range between early video works based on classical paintings to recent photographic works based on pictures that are part of our daily lives.
The gaps and discrepancies between the perspectives of the people of the time and those of today, as seen through old paintings that have been forgotten, are visualized by actually replicating the old paintings in a real space. The original painting/fiction is replicated in 3 dimensions; space/reality and then returned to the 2 dimensional painting/fiction with intentional discrepancies. All of my pieces go through this process. I hope that you can feel the slight waver and unease that occurs when you are confronted with an image that is a muddle of fiction and reality, and I hope that you will enjoy looking at things with a little more delicacy than usual.
Mami Kosemura