
I've opened my new studio space in Brooklyn. Please feel free to stop by !  Now I'm still in the process of sorting everything out, but I've started to think about plans for some exhibitions that will be held next spring and summer, including a solo exhibition. I think I can showcase my new pieces from March to June in Tokyo, and then in New York, besides the open-studio that will be held twice a year, I will be able to show some work at a show next summer.

I appreciate your continued support. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in the near future.

ブルックリンに新しいスタジオをオープンしました。 お近くに来られた際にはぜひお立ち寄りください! まだまだバタバタしておりますが、来年の春から夏にかけての個展を含むいくつかの展示のための準備を始めました。東京では3月から6月にかけて、ニューヨークでは年に数回のオープンスタジオの他、来年の夏の展示で作品をお目にかけられると思います。


J&M STUDIOS, 201 46th Street 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11220

* The space is in the same building with NARS Foundation, Artist in Residency Program.