AIT×TAKANAWA Unlimited 映像作品上映会
日時:2017年2月11日(土・祝) 、18日(土)18:00 - 21:00 (17:30 開場)
会場:代官山AITルーム *入場無料(フード・ドリンクは有料)/ 入退場自由
Partnership event of The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2017
"Cinematic Prism"
Video screening by AIT×TAKANAWA Unlimited
Date and Time: Saturday, February 11, 18, 2017. 18:00 - 21:00 (17:30 Door open)
Venue: Daikanyama AIT Room *Admission Free (Charges apply for food and drink) / Free re-entry
The Drop Off, Video Installation / 2015/ 11.50min. (endless repeat), black & white, silent, will be projected in a video screening program that is a part of event The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2017 which is supported by AIT × TAKANAWA Unlimited on Saturday, February 18 at Daikanyama AIT Room.
Please feel free to stop by this event.
映像作品「Drop Off」が第9回恵比寿映像祭の地域連携プログラムの一部として代官山AIT Roomにて上映されます。2月18日18:00〜。お気軽にお立ち寄りください!
More... http://www.a-i-t.net/ja/future_archives/2017/02/cinematic-prism.php