ニューヨークで初めた新しい写真プロジェクトは習作として描かれたスルバランによる静物画を参照して撮影されたものになりました。わたしにとって雲をつかむような海外での生活の中から集められた判然としないオブジェクトたち。その全てはニューヨークの路上や古道具屋でみつけられた要らなくなったがらくたやゴミばかり。それらのオブジェクトを精緻な静物画のように仕立てて撮影されたイメージはどのようなものとして眼に映るのか?朽ち果てたオブジェクトが見せる瞬間はどこに存在するのか?宙に浮くような拠り所のないオブジェクトの存在は観るもののどこかしらに寄って行くはずです。(文:小瀬村真美 プレスリリースより)
In gallery b, Kosemura will be showing a new series of photographs called Objects - New York where she has created a set that imitates still life paintings in the style of the Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbaran (1598-1664). Kosemura has been collecting various objects from the streets and thrift shops in New York. She only collected objects that were completely alien to her, unaware of what they are or what is their function. The process of finding these objects was sort of like being a New York archeologist for Kosemura, since it is her first time ever living in this city. Though to an American viewer these objects may be familiar, Kosemura's arrangement of them may create a sense of freshness or distance. (written by Diana Lee, Director at Dillon + Lee )
The entire installation actually consists of two distinct bodies of work in two different spaces. In one, there are series of photographs, Objects – New York that are intended to imitate still life paintings made in the style of the Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbarán.
(Written by Seph Rodney, "An Unsettling Room and Feeling Like You Belong" on Hyperallergic http://hyperallergic.com/342809/mami-kosemura-pendulum/)
For materials, Kosemura culled mysterious objects from detritus on the street or from thrift shops throughout the city. They consisted of both organic and inorganic matter that included handcrafted items made of metal, wood, or stone, or found pieces of bone or plants. Some objects, such as glasses or teakettles, are utilitarian; others are broken fragments that, in their useless state, emphasize the decorative aspects of antique items. Together, they formed the subject of a photographic still life series titled “Objects—New York” (all works 2016 unless otherwise stated), which was partially hung along the left wall of the townhouse’s narrow and dimly lit foyer.
(Written by Jeniffer Field, "Pendulum" on Art Asia Pacific http://artasiapacific.com/Magazine/WebExclusives/Pendulum)