September Issue / p.225.227~228
August 20, 2002
Solo Exhibition / Futaba Gallery (review)
Publisher: BIJUTSU SHUPPAN-SHA CO., LTD. / Writer: Naoko Usuki
Smooth kiwi fruit. Roughly textured chunks of papaya, cut into several parts and assembled. Loquat, barely distinguishable by the shape of the calyx, were dotted around the plate on which the kiwis and papayas were served.... Although a weak light from the left side makes the outline of the objects on the table in the foreground of the picture emerge faintly, the still life, whose reality has been intentionally removed from the objects, is captured in a white frame. Eventually, a gradual change occurs within the picture. The still life collapses in the echoes of the sound of a fly's wings, which are like a bass continuo-like vibrating sound. Imitation flies and live flies, and the change in light, a key factor, evoke an awareness of space. The photographs were shot at intervals of 30 minutes for two months, and as a result, the layering of these photographs creates a chain of gradual movement and time. The movement and time produced by the photographic layering adds three and four dimensions to the image, and brings our consciousness back to two dimensions. Five large and small glass jars containing fruit which continue to decay even after the time of the photograph sit on a shelf attached to the wall nearby to carcasses of flies whose outer skins have faded in the sun. The objects have a materiality and a realism to them, but the work as a whole is as close to a painting installation as possible. In contrast to her previous work, "Decaying", the narrative elements have been restrained and the visualization of movement has been reduced to a minimum, so that the viewer does not feel a sense of disconnection from the repetitive images, and her intentions are more effectively expressed in the work. The fuzziness and ambiguity that lies at the boundary between real and virtual, between motion and stillness, between life and death, or in space and time itself, reveal the essence of existence, and the resulting discomfort strangely coexists in her work.