時間:カフェ 10:00 am‐4:30 pm、ショップ 9:30 am‐4:30 pm(入館は4:00 pmまで)
Hara Museum ARC内 カフェ&ショップにて期間中、写真作品10点、映像作品3点を展示しています。お近くにお越しの際には是非お立ち寄りください。
原美術館ARC 入館料 一般1,100円、大高生700円、小中生500円
・開催中の展覧会「雲をつかむ 原美術館/原六郎コレクション」第2期(秋冬季)(2022年9月10日から2023年1月9日まで)も併せてご覧いただけます。
SHOP@CAFE Mami Kosemura
Date(s) : Friday, October 7 - Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Time : Cafe 10:00 am-4:30 pm, Shop 9:30 am-4:30 pm (admission until 4:00 pm)
Ten of my photographs and three video works will be on display at the cafe & store in Hara Museum ARC during the exhibition period. Please stop by if you are in the neighborhood.
SHOP@CAFE offers for sale art that adds vibrancy to daily life under the catchphrase “Living with Art.” This 13th installment features photographic works by Mami Kosemura whose solo exhibition Mami Kosemura: Phantasies Over Time was held at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo in 2018.
In a single photograph created through meticulous research and prodigious amounts of time and effort, Kosemura creates an image that can be mistaken for a painting. One might find the idea of buying such a work by Kosemura a bit intimidating, but we invite you to experience her works within the relaxing ambiance of the café unlike that of an exhibition space and perhaps bring one back with you to enjoy within your own home.
Hara Museum ARC admission: Adults 1,100 yen, Students 700 yen (high school and university) or 500 yen (elementary and junior high)
*Admission to Hara Museum ARC is required even when vising only the café and museum store. The current exhibition is Part II (autumn/winter) of Grasping at Clouds: Works from the Hara Museum and the Rokuro Hara Collections which runs from September 10, 2022 to January 9, 2023.